Walk a Mile in My Runway Shoes Part 5
Inner Beauty and the Biz I mentioned in Part 3 that I went to a fund raiser for a Christian Teens Group. Something the head speaker said...
Walk a MIle in My Runway Shoes Part 4
Let’s talk about the free lunch. I have heard it time and time again that people believe you can make it in the Industry without spending...
Walk a Mile in My Runway Shoes Part 3
I was informed rumor has it that I accept anyone into classes, regardless of their potential. So, I have to consider this accusation. I...
Walk a Mile in My Runway Shoes Part 2
I wanted to tell you my usual routine: I’m up at 5:30 AM to take my oldest son to the bus stop. We had moved out of his school district...
Walk a Mile in My Runway Shoes Part 1
This is an effort to make a stand regarding the value of acting and modeling education and the stigma that covers those of us in the...